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Under the Hood - All things PDM and PLM

Why You Should Use Fusion 360 Manage Modern UI – Item Details

Amitabh Verma
June 27, 2023

If you are one of our PLM customers using  Autodesk Fusion 360 Manage  and not yet using its modern user interface, we created this blog series especially for you. In our first post, we covered five important features in the modern UI to make you more productive. In the second post we highlighted the additional capabilities when using workspace views in the modern UI. In this third post we highlight the “Item details” tab functionality which is available only in the modern UI. 

For those of you who found this post and may not be familiar with Fusion 360 Manage, it is a cloud PLM solution in Autodesk’s data and process management product portfolio. Fusion 360 Manage cloud PLM helps organizations automate product development workflows and collaborate efficiently across teams and suppliers with the ease of working from anywhere.  

Item details tab in the Fusion 360 Manage modern UI 

The item details tab is always the first tab for any given workspace. The item details tab displays information such as the item number, title or name, description, classification, item owners and the change summary for the item. Based on the business needs, the layout and the content of the tab can be configured by the site administrator. Read on for highlights of additional capability available for item details tab in the modern UI. 

Item details fields  

All input fields on the item details tab now take up the entire available width of the screen, making better use of the real estate available on screen when creating or editing items. The field description is non-intrusive in the modern UI and is revealed by hovering over the information icon whereas in the classic UI it is always available and clutters the UI.   

Navigation between items  

The modern UI allows users to easily browse to the next or previous item using the buttons in the user interface.  

Resizing matrix columns  

The Fusion 360 Manage modern UI supports resizing of matrix columns. This allows users to view more data in the matrices. Once the user resizes the layout (width) of a matrix field, the layout persists for the user across the workspace. 

Apart from item details, the persistence of resized columns is also supported on Workspace Views, the Bill of Materials taband the Affected Items tab. 

Section descriptions  

The modern UI allows for the admin to define long descriptions for the sections in the item details tab. This helps in communicating the intent of the section, its importance for the business and therefore a motivation for the users to give the section its due importance. 

RTF editor for paragraph fields 

In the Fusion 360 Manage modern UI, users can leverage an inline Rich Text Format (RTF) editor for paragraph fields. This new, more responsive component features improved pasting of formatted text from Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel and the source code editor is more responsive. 

I hope this post helped you to understand the benefits of using the Fusion 360 Manage modern UI for the item details tab. We want to make sure you are taking advantage of all the ways the modern UI provides more value for your cloud PLM processes.  

Learn More about Autodesk PLM

Read the previous post in this series:

See Fusion 360 Manage release notes here.

Visit the Autodesk Fusion 360 Manage with Upchain product center here.


Amitabh Verma

Amitabh Verma is a Principal Product Manager at Autodesk working on PDM / PLM product portfolio. He has been in the Industry for over 15 years. He works closely with Autodesk customers and internal stakeholders to ensure optimal and cohesive product capabilities, roadmap and vision.
