In a continuing effort to provide high quality products, Autodesk has released Autodesk Vault 2017.1.1 Update for Autodesk Vault Basic, Workgroup, and Professional 2017 editions. The update addresses a variety of issues pertaining to these releases.
This update addresses the following issues:
- Server update to reduce the number of database deadlock occurrences.
- Resolved a plotting issue when printing the DWF of a DWG on a folder with special localized characters.
- Resolved an Inventor CER observed when closing an iPart file which is checked in with ‘KeepCheckedOut’ option.
- When performing a Copy Design with the option ‘Enforce Unique File Names’, the copy would complete even though some files are not copied due to the naming restriction.
- When an ADMS instance with Revit Server installed is utilizing a remote SQL instance, the Revit Indexing Service would fail with the message, “Unable to initialize the Dynamo Helper Service. Make sure the Revit Core Engine integration is installed.”
- Workflows in Revit would result in files not being removed from the uploads folder.
- Some User Defined Properties would fail on creation when someone else was performing a search operation.
- Update to Copy Design where files were being copied before an error is encountered.
This updated can be downloaded by logging into your Autodesk Account. Click the Product Enhancements link and you will see the update in the list.
Irvin Hayes Jr.
Product Manager