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Under the Hood - All things PDM and PLM

Autodesk Vault Data Standard, made available to subscription customers last year, has been updated and enhanced in Vault 2015 to address a number of additional standard inventor work-flows specifically related to routed system and frame generator.

Previously users leveraging some of these smart design tools in Inventor were unable to apply the same data standards and detail as they did with general inventor content (enforcing file name and property requirements on ALL new files for example).  This could be troublesome especially considering the volume of files being produced as part of tube and pipe runs or frame layouts.

For 2015 the new Data Standard tool is once again triggered when the user commits a save operation resulting in new file creation but has now been configured so as to permit a simple, consolidated approach to editing detail across a number of files that mat be generated via frame generator or routed system tools. 


The data standard tab implemented in 2015 is sectioned and smart enough to arrange editable files by their type (in a tube and pipe context for example breaking it into the run assembly files, route parts and pipe segments or "custom library files") and permits the user to manipulate these separately, applying a single value across all instances or allowing the user to work down the file list in each section entering required unique values per part.

As with the regular data standard interface, users are able to customize the displayed properties, set optional or required values and control other behaviors triggered by the operation, meaning all in all we now have a more complete approach to manage all new file creation and a super efficient way to modify files created in these inventor based tools.

– Allan

