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Under the Hood - All things PDM and PLM

searchIt is a little bit of a challenge to perform a search in the Vault client and then performing a search in the Vault Thin Client and understanding the differences. This post is written to help understand how to perform equivalent Item searches in both to get the equivalent search results.

  1. Thick Client
    1. The following information is based on using the Find dialog of the Thick client by pressing CTRL + F to bring up a standalone search dialog.
      1. Search Level – there are two Search Levels for the Thick client: Basic and Advanced, designated by the first and second tabs in the Find dialog respectively.
      2. Basic – in the Basic tab in the Find dialog, will search all of Vault for the text entered.
      3. Advanced – in the Advanced tab in the Find dialog, will search information in the specified properties based on their condition andor value.
      4. Search Options – corresponds to the options selected for the search in the Options tab in the Find dialog.
  2. Thin Client
    1. These definitions are assuming that the user has logged in and is looking at the “Item Master” page
      1. Search Level – there are two Search levels for the Thin client: “Basic” and “Advanced”.
        1. Basic – the initial search bar that appears in the upper right hand corner of the Thin Client.
        2. Advanced – accessed by hovering over the binoculars in the upper right hand corner and then selecting the “Advanced Find…” option. At the top of the Advanced Find dialog that pops up there is a “Look In” field with 3 character glyphs displaying which type of search required. For these instructions, use the “Item” selection.
      2. Settings – in the upper right hand corner of the Thin Client landing page, there is a Settings dropdown next to the Help text. There are two options relevant to these instructions that can be toggled ON or OFF within the Settings administration page:
        1. Effective revisions for released items
        2. Released items
      3. Search Options – in the binoculars dropdown menu, there is one option to toggle on called “Find Latest Version”, which is used to acquire some search outcomes.
      4. Filters – when the “Advanced Find…” option is selected, a dialog will appear allowing the user to add Properties to their search. To add a Property, fill in the Condition and Value fields appropriately and then press the “+” button to append this additional Search Criteria.


Vault Thick vs Thin Client Search Equivalency Grid

Search Result Thin Client Thick Client
Find all versions of desired object in any state Search Level

  • Basic

User Settings
Effective revisions for released items
Released items
Search Options
Find latest version

Search Level

  • Basic

Search Options
Find latest versions only

Find only the latest versions of desired object Search Level

  • Basis

User Settings
Effective revisions for released items
Released items
Search Options
Find latest version

Search Level

  • Basic

Search Options
Find latest versions only

Find only the latest versions of desired object in the “Released” state Search Level

  • Advanced


  • State contains “Released”
  • Title (Item, CO) contains “<search phrase>”

User Settings
Effective revisions for released items
Released items
Search Options
Find latest version

Search Level

  • Advanced


  • State contains “Released”
  • Title (Item, CO) contains “<search phrase>”

Search Options
Find latest versions only

 Find all versions of desired object in the “Released” state Search Level

  • Advanced


  • State contains “Released”
  • Title (Item, CO) contains “<search phrase>”

User Settings
Effective revisions for released items
Released items
Search Options
Find latest version

Search Level

  • Advanced


  • State contains “Released”
  • Title (Item, CO) contains “<search phrase>”

Search Options
Find latest versions only

Find all effective revisions for released items Search Level

  • Advanced


  • State contains “Released”
  • Title (Item, CO) contains “<search phrase>”

User Settings
Effective revisions for released items
Released items
Search Options
Find latest version

Search Level

  • Advanced


  • State contains “Released”
  • Title (Item, CO) contains “<search phrase>”
  • Effectivity contains “Effective”

Search Options
Find latest versions only

Irvin Hayes Jr, Product Manager
Brett McMillen, Software Engineer

Irvin Hayes Jr.

Irvin is a Product Manager on the Autodesk Vault team based in Novi, Michigan. He helps partners, consulting and sales develop Vault deployment plans in enterprise environments and system requirements. You can find multiple classes Irvin has presented at Autodesk University, ( on a wide range of Vault topics. Irvin is a technology geek and loves sharing with the community on Twitter (@ihayesjr) and Flipboard Magazine. Disclaimer If you need an official Autodesk company response or a contact for press-related activities please contact Autodesk Public Relations. The posts on this blog are the authors' own personal opinions and do not represent their employer's view in any way. In addition, their thoughts and opinions often change, and as a weblog is intended to provide a semi-permanent point-in-time snapshot you should not consider out-of-date posts to reflect their current thoughts and opinions.

