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Under the Hood - All things PDM and PLM

Export File History from Vault to Excel

January 26, 2011

Today’s Vault Fun Fact covers exporting a file’s history information to a format for those beyond Vault. First, a review of the History tab. This will show a list of version and revision history of a given file in Vault. Note a few things about my layout in the image below. I have both Revisions and Versions displayed, sorting descending by version number. And I have the Thumbnail turned of per a previous post on displaying thumbnails in Vault’s vertical property grid. This is key, as the thumbnail does not export like the other data.

To begin, shift-select all metadata and fields in the History tab.

History shift-select

Next, go to the File pull down and select Export. The file type will be Excel .xls and choose your location.

Export History

Open the .xls and you have a nice spreadsheet with your file’s history. Remember, property columns that you had displayed in Vault will appear in the first row. Enjoy!

History Exported to Excel


-Brian Schanen

