Here’s a Vault Fun Fact based off a recent customer discussion about Vault Workgroup/Collaboration/Professional and Categories. The process of assigning files upon Check In to Vault to a specific Category can be achieved multiple ways. Typically a property in the file triggers a Category rule, and upon check in to Vault that file is categorized properly, Revisions are set, Lifecycle State is established, and life is good.
Another option to consider is leveraging the automatic file naming in Vault Workgroup to drive this categorization. If for instance, you had an auto naming scheme with a drop down list, and that list contained characters, you can leverage this in the Category rules. First, start with defining the naming scheme.
Then, under Tools>Administration>Vault Settings>Behaviors tab, create a Category rule that triggers off of characters in the file name, derived from the automatic file name generator.
-Brian Schanen