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Under the Hood - All things PDM and PLM

Vault Utility Spotlight: AutoCAD Reference Manager

November 24, 2010

Today we’ll discuss a utility I recommend for anyone tasked with loading AutoCAD files. In particular, AutoCAD files with Xrefs. Autoloader is the preferred way to bulk load AutoCAD data, and in my travels, I have been successful in loading DWG’s quickly and reliably. I’ve also come across the case where an entire batch is missing Xref drawings, as in the image below. You’ll find this during the scan process.

Autoloader missing xrefs

The good news is that AutoCAD supplies a utility called the Reference Manager. You can locate this in the program group with AutoCAD.

Acad reference manager launch

Once launched, this utility provides a number of valuable tools. The one for this blog example is the ability to load the DWG (or DWG’s) missing Xrefs. Again, in my travels its usually not just one missing Xref, its an entire directory, drive. or otherwise has a pattern to it. Reference Manger to the rescue, as you can load in all Parent DWGs and redirect to the proper location of the missing Xref(s). You can also create a report on this (as Autoloader does) for audit and record purposes later on.

acad reference manager

-Brian Schanen

