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Under the Hood - All things PDM and PLM

Vault Utility Spotlight – Inventor Task Scheduler

November 18, 2010

Building off of a previous post on must-have utilities for Autodesk Vault where we discussed Design Assistant, its time to examine another out-of-the-box utility – Inventor Task Scheduler. This nifty little program is ‘Vault-aware’ and can be leveraged to perform a variety of offline tasks. First, where does one get such a program. It’s install with Inventor, thus located under the Tools folder within the Autodesk Inventor group.

launch Task Scheduler

After you launch the Task Scheduler, from the File pull down menu you can log into your Vault. If you are using Windows Authentication, you can even use it here, along with the check to automatically log in next session.

TS log in to Vault

Now its time to tell the Task Scheduler to do something. There’s a pull down menu “Create Task’ and functions are also listed in the lower left. From here you see a few pre-configured tasks. In the image below, I’ve highlighted the Vault-related tasks: Migrate Files, Check Out, Check In, and Get Latest from Vault.

TS Vault Tasks

All of the mentioned Vault-related tasks will require a Vault-type project file (.ipj). Technically the Migrate task can be run outside of Vault on non-vaulted files, but with a simple check in the box, this task becomes a very useful tool for updating Vaulted Inventor data.

TS Migrate from Vault

The Migrate from Vault task is actually a series of functions built into one: Get from Vault, Check Out, Migrate, Save, Check In. This can be run on individual files or select folders in Vault. Another post for another time…

The Get and Check Out from Vault are rather self-explanatory, both giving the option to browse for Vault folders and retrieve them. Finally, the Check In command ideal for populating the Vault with Inventor data that has either been updated or needs to be added for the first time. Note that this does overlap with Autoloader, which is the recommended way to upload new files to Vault.

Stay tuned and we’ll go over best practices and tips for using Inventor Task Scheduler with Vault.

-Brian Schanen

