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Under the Hood - All things PDM and PLM

Greetings fellow Vault-ers. Today’s post is a follow-up to a previous post titled ‘Can I get that font in Cornflower Blue?’ In that post I took you through options to change the font colors in the Vault Explorer client for files that are checked out. Based on feedback, seems some of you wanted to do the same in the CAD add-ins like Inventor, AutoCAD, etc. Well, the process is slightly different, and I have enclosed the steps below. As always, before you embark on this type of modification, please make a backup copy of the original config files. Please.

  1. Locate Inventor.exe.config from inventor bin folder,e.g. C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Inventor 2011\Bin
  2. Add the following to <appSettings> …</appSettings> segment, replace color value of your choice.

<!– Color format is (#AARRGGBB) –>

        <!– BoldText is a boolean –>

        <add key="CheckedOutByCurrentUser.Color" value="#FF1919FA"/>

        <add key="CheckedOutByCurrentUser.BoldText" value="true"/>

        <add key="CheckedOutByOtherUser.Color" value="#FF808080"/>

        <add key="CheckedOutByOtherUser.BoldText" value="true"/>

Restart Inventor, log back into Vault, and the check out colors should be updated.


-Brian Schanen

