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Under the Hood - All things PDM and PLM

Workflows with iParts and Autodesk Vault – conclusion

September 30, 2010

Last post we looked at one optional workflow with Autodesk Inventor iParts – generating all members before hand and pre-populating your Vault. The advantage here is knowing that the files are created correctly, checked into Vault, and released. This also allows users to choose directly from the created members for placement in an assembly.

Now, there is a limit to this workflow and a point where you would not want to create one-of-each member for a particular Factory. This will differ from company to company and you’ll need to decide for yourself where you draw that line. In my next example, I have an iPart Factory that has hundreds of members, certainly we do not want to take the time nor bloat the Vault with all of those members.

iPart potential members

Before we begin, let’s review one of my favorite tips for working with Inventor and Vault: Saved Search folders. See the image below. in the Advanced tab on the Find dialog, run a search for Property Classification is Configuration Factory. (Recall this is the Categorization Rule from a previous post?). From this dialog box, go to File>Save Search and save this down with a descriptive name and a check box to create a folder.

saved search configuration factories

Next it’s time to launch Inventor and open an Assembly file. Use the Place from Vault button from the Assemble or the Vault ribbon.

place from Vault

Here’s where you’ll be able to leverage that Saved Search folder created earlier in Vault. Click the drop down carrot next to My Shortcuts and choose My Saved Searches.

 switch shortcuts to saved searches

This will provide you a list of all available Factories in Vault. Select one and click Open.

Place iPart from Vault Saved Search

The next steps include:

  1. Choose a member from the iPart dialog box
  2. Place component
  3. Repeat as needed
  4. Save the Assembly

So, at this point those iPart members are in your workspace, but not Vaulted yet. Check in the top level Assembly and note the check in dialog. The new member is listed. Once checked in, this will be categorized and released as in previous examples in other posts.

check in assembly with iPart

This concludes the majority of set up and usage of standard iParts with Inventor and the Document Management functionality within Vault Workgroup, Collaboration, and Professional. Watch for additional posts on custom iParts and iAssemblies, as well as discussions about use of Content Center with Vault. Enjoy!

-Brian Schanen

