by Mouncey Ferguson
Smarter AI and better automation are transforming industries from construction to automotive to banking. But don’t take our word for it, check out this week’s picks:
- GM goes generative. Have you heard the news? GM is turning to additive manufacturing and Autodesk’s generative design technology to lightweight their cars. First up, a redesigned seat belt bracket that is 40% lighter and 20% stronger than its predecessor—and replaces 8 components with one. Fast Company has the full story.
- We get by with a little help from our AI. Digital assistants have come a long way in the last few years. The Wall Street Journal breaks down the latest advances and efforts from top companies, including Autodesk’s own customer service agent, AVA. (Subscription required)
- Origami with plastic. Ever experienced unintentional warping of your 3D prints? We thought so. A team from Carnegie Mellon University is exploring 3D prints that warp in defined ways on purpose when exposed to heat, potentially opening the way for self-folding furniture or emergency shelters. Interesting Engineering shares the process.
- From big metal to big data. Industrial fairs are getting downright digital these days. At the world’s largest, Hannover Messe 2018, IndustryWeek found a heavy focus on emerging technologies, including AR, VR, 3D printing, and the IIoT.
- Calling all robots. Rents are sky-high in Japan these days, in part because construction of new housing is hampered by a lack of workers. Bloomberg reports on efforts to remedy Japan’s persistent labor shortage with intelligent automation on building sites—and the challenges that come with the task.
- Freedom of assembly. You don’t need to assemble IKEA furniture yourself anymore. You just need the right robots. (via The Verge)