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In the Fold: Autodesk news and opinions

What We Like This Week: Rocks, Robots, and Recovering Vets

August 10, 2018

by Mouncey Ferguson

New challenges require not just new solutions, but new approaches to how we solve problems. This week’s picks focus on new ways to build on other planets, new ways to make cars, and new ways to make sure that injured vets can still go swimming with their kids.

Credit: ReGen Villages Holding

  • Land of the best sand. Better sand makes for a better computer chip, and some of the best in the world comes from Spruce Pine, North Carolina. WIRED takes us for a visit.
  • New cars, new ways. From new ways to make hydrogen-cell cars work at scale (via CNET) to new exoskeletons that help auto workers do more with less effort (via Engadget), things are changing inside the auto plant.
  • Swim limb. 6% of injured war vets come back missing a limb. 3D Printing Industry shares a new amphibious prosthetic that helps them move both in and out of the water.

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