Autodesk volunteers recently wrapped up week one of their project in South Africa where the impact of their work is already being felt.
The team is working with local teachers for two weeks to advance 21st century teaching methods and increase the use of technology in classrooms to increase student engagement.
Next week, a new team of Team4Tech staff and Autodesk volunteers will return to Makupula High School in South Africa to continue the work they started in the community last year.
The 10 international volunteers will work with 30 local high school teachers over two intensive weeks to integrate project-based learning and technology into their lesson plans,
“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” – Chinese Proverb
In approximately 30 hours stretched across five days, Autodesk volunteers taught educators at Makupula High School how to transform their classrooms using 21st century education techniques.
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Autodesk is excited to be working with Team4Tech to send a team of volunteer employees to the Kayamandi community near Stellenbosch,
Autodesk, HP, Construction Dive & Smart Cities Dive are pleased to announce a diverse, international panel of AEC industry expert judges for this year’s competition. The judges will come together to select projects that represent the best of infrastructure, building, construction, and sustainability showcasing innovative use of connected BIM technology.
This May, a team of volunteers will train educators in South Africa how to integrate technology and design-thinking into their classrooms.
The volunteers from Autodesk, Adobe, and Ketiv are partnering with Team4Tech to support the Greater Stellenbosch Development Trust (GSDT), Makupula Secondary School,
Next week, a team of Autodesk pro bono volunteers and Team4Tech staff will be lending their skills to designers in Rwanda.
The project is in partnership with MASS Design Group (MASS), an Autodesk Foundation Grantee. MASS has been working in Rwanda since their inception in 2008,
Our volunteers have returned from their Autodesk pro bono project in South Africa!
Over the course of two weeks, educators and learners were immersed in classroom technology and our volunteers each had life-changing experiences learning about and connecting with the passionate people from the Kayamandi Township.
All in all,
It’s been a busy few days at Makupula High School in South Africa. The Autodesk team of volunteers has been leading and learning, adapting and attempting to make the most of every interaction with educators in the community. The experience thus far has been rich and even surprising at times.
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