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In the Fold: Autodesk news and opinions

Perspectives from the Field: Autodesk in Kayamundi, South Africa

August 11, 2015

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” – Chinese Proverb

In approximately 30 hours stretched across five days, Autodesk volunteers taught educators at Makupula High School how to transform their classrooms using 21st century education techniques. The result of time spent together was impressive, and so we celebrated!


The goal of this project is to arm the educators of Makupula High School with new teaching methods and provide them with an expanded toolkit of resources to use with their learners. In their words, “Autodesk & Team4Tech gave us the skills and tools to fish for a lifetime.”

Read what the educators had to say about their experiences:

“This training will encourage me, to encourage them (the learners), to work hands on.” – Esther

“We fight for our learners’ attention, always telling them to take the ear phones out of their ears. They are discouraged by the textbooks. With this experience, we can speak a different language—a language they understand. We can now show them (via picture and videos) what we are teaching them.” – Bulisa

“The integration between the learning methods and introduction of the 4 “C’s” was excellent. Although it was a steep learning curve at the beginning of the week, I now feel comfortable integrating technology and new teaching methods into my classroom.” – Ziyanda


“Being a teacher means lifelong learning, so for us this training was useful. I especially liked how it accommodated everyone regardless of level.” – Linda

“Teaching with technology is the sort of thing you always fear. I was nervous and doubting myself. We started on Monday and the training went very well for me. Things changed for me when the content connected to what we can actually do in class.”— Chewu

“I will now focus on learner-centered teaching methods, which means always engaging the student and having them learn by exploring.” – KK


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