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In the Fold: Autodesk news and opinions

Meet Autodesk’s AI-Trainer and ‘Conversational Engineer’ Yizel Vizcarra

June 1, 2018

By Bill Danon

Among the many people doing amazing things at Autodesk is Yizel Vizcarra. But even among an impressive cadre of architects, mechanical engineers, software developers and visual effects experts, Yizel’s role stands out as unique.

Her job is to train AVA, the AI-based Autodesk Virtual Agent, to use natural language conversation in her interactions with customers. Fittingly, her title is the very unusual: “Conversational Engineer.”

Check out the “Day in the Life” video below produced by Autodesk’s Ben Shaw (another guy with a cool job) for a glimpse into Yizel’s world.

Autodesk Showreel

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