IM473672 Modular Design, Design Standards, and Function Automation Using Inventor and iLogic

IM473672 Modular Design, Design Standards, and Function Automation Using Inventor and iLogic

By Demir Ali

Information manufacturing companies rely on, often centres around the design data they produce.

Rather than just using 3D designs to automate the creation of 2D drawings, organisations are now looking at how the data within their designs can add greater value to the business.

This may take the form of utilising design data within their sales configurators to delivering data downstream to business systems, benefiting other teams within a company, such as procurement.

However, this journey needs to start somewhere and that somewhere may be design automation.


The purpose of this class was to give a broad overview of what customer can achieve when using Autodesk Inventor and iLogic. The content is not aimed at developers who can take an application and produce some code that may be impressive but may be difficult for a mere mortal to understand.

This class is aimed at covering everything a user may need to get started in automating assemblies, their drawings, and some additions such as data sources, Autodesk Forge and function automation.

If you’re new to Inventor and iLogic, there should be enough fundamentals to get you started and if you’ve been working with iLogic for years, there may still be some bits that you just weren’t aware of.

Bonus Tip

Although not covered in this class, a common question we always receive is:

“Can iLogic search for and retrieve components from Vault?”

Although not out of the box click here to take a look at Marcus’s class – IM468712 | iLogic and Vault – Vault and iLogic.

To get access to the snippets and start working with iLogic and Vault just go to and start extending your iLogic workflows with Vault.

IM473672 Modular Design, Design Standards, and Function Automation Using Inventor and iLogic

Click this link to watch Demir’s iLogic class on demand, at Autodesk  University online.


This class will cover a broad range of elements that can be introduced by utilizing the power of iLogic within Inventor software. This 60-minute session will cover it all, from introducing the fundamentals to how more-powerful functions can be applied. We will show examples that organizations take advantage of today using this powerful capability. Topics covered will include developing standards-based designs; capturing engineering knowledge; developing recipes from existing assemblies to help build new designs; creating drawings using the latest updates from Inventor; as well as retrieving data from other sources and automating functions within a file such as CAM and FEA.

Key Learnings

  • Discover the fundamentals of iLogic.
  • Learn how to build modular designs.
  • Learn how to automate functions such as Model Creation and Drawings.
  • Learn how to connect to external data sources.


Demir Ali Autodesk Senior Technical Sales Specialist working with manufacturing customers within the UK & Ireland. Product focus covers applications within the Product Design and Manufacturing Collection in addition to data management and visualisation products such as Vred.

Paul Munford

Paul Munford is a laugher, dreamer, raconteur, CAD geek and Industry Marketing Manager for Autodesk in the UK. Paul's background in manufacturing items for the construction industry gives him a foot in digital prototyping and a foot in Building Information Modeling (BIM). Paul was a speaker at Autodesk University for the first time in 2012, and he says it's the most fun anyone can have with 250 other people in the room.