MFG318258-L Autodesk Inventor iLogic Template Management

MFG318258-L Inventor Template Management Through the iLogic API Looking Glass

MFG318258-L Inventor Template Management Through the iLogic API Looking Glass

By Jason Hunt

Inventor iLogic is a topic that I am very passionate about. I have always been about finding ways to make my job easier, and Inventor iLogic has definitely made my life easier in regards to design and CAD management.

This year I decided to submit a Lab (a hands-on class) to Autodesk University Las Vegas 2019, on how you can utilize iLogic and the Inventor API to manage your company templates.

MFG318258-L Inventor Template Management Through the iLogic API Looking Glass

I wanted to design my class so that it was a Lab, but also a live hands-on demonstration for the class to see the power of Inventor iLogic and applying it to their company’s template management.

This class is aimed at CAD Managers, novice Inventor users, and the Inventor power users. I feel that this is a topic relevant to every type of Inventor user, as this class exposes all kinds of users to basic iLogic to advanced API usage.

It was a pleasure to present at Autodesk University, as it is every year. I was able to expose users to template management, through iLogic and the API. This was new to many of the attendees, but as I always expect from any class I teach, I also learn from my attendees.

Every time I present a class at Autodesk University, I learn something new from my audience. I love to learn from everyone, and I love to pass on my knowledge of Inventor and iLogic to help Inventor users expand their expertise and skillsets. This is what I enjoy about Autodesk University and what I look forward to every year!

It’s time for you to optimize your workflow with Inventor iLogic

Jason Hunt

MFG318258-L Jason Hunt

Jason Hunt is a Project Engineer with Refresco Group, the world’s largest independent bottler of beverages. In this role, he is responsible for the execution of medium to large scale projects, including line upgrades, process upgrades, new marketing initiatives, and building extensions.

Before joining the Refresco Group, Jason was the NPD Group Leader in the CAD Designer Group for FS-Elliott Co., LLC. FS-Elliott is a leading manufacturer of oil-free centrifugal air and gas compressors with sales, service, and manufacturing locations around the world. Jason provided lead design services to current NPD projects and helped drive current CAD standards and Best Practices among the FS-Elliott CAD Design Group.

His experience involves 25+ years of compressor design, with an education background in Engineering from SUNY at Alfred, Industrial Engineering from SUNY Buffalo State and Business/Marketing from the McColl School of Business at Queens University of Charlotte.

Class Description

Do you find that you have too many templates to manage? Are you struggling with keeping drawings and models up to your latest company standards?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this class is for you.

Inventor iLogic and the API are powerful tools that can be utilized in creating your Inventor templates, along with managing your Inventor files by keeping them up to the latest company standards.

In this class, we’ll create one template for multiple drawing sheet sizes and a part template, driven by iLogic rules. We’ll design and create external iLogic rules to check model standards, switch drawing styles, sheet sizes, dimension schemes, and a few other useful tools.

This class will demonstrate how the power of iLogic can help you minimize the number of templates you need to create and maintain, along with forcing the user to input standard company iProperties. These iLogic programs will make model and drawing setup a breeze.

Learning Objectives

-Learn how to design iLogic rules to create one drawing template for various sheet sizes and drawing styles

-Learn how to design and create external iLogic rules to check model standards, switch drawing styles, as well as sheet sizes and a few other tools

-Learn how to create an Inventor iLogic rule to force CAD users to fill out required company iProperties

-Learn about the iLogic API methods used in updating drawings to your latest company standards

Paul Munford

Paul Munford is a laugher, dreamer, raconteur, CAD geek and Industry Marketing Manager for Autodesk in the UK. Paul's background in manufacturing items for the construction industry gives him a foot in digital prototyping and a foot in Building Information Modeling (BIM). Paul was a speaker at Autodesk University for the first time in 2012, and he says it's the most fun anyone can have with 250 other people in the room.

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