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Under the Hood - All things PDM and PLM

Last time we were talking about the architecture selection. Today we will talk a bit more hands on about

Setting up Vault Servers

After you have decided how to deploy your Vault Installation you can go forward and install your Vault Environment.

We have several good reads for this in our help section.
You can find a complete list of pre-checks in the Vault help here.

There are several components needed for Vault:


With smaller installations, we deliver SQL Express with every installation. There is no need for anybody to use any other version if you do not hit following limitations of SQL Express (Microsoft Link):

CPU Usage: 1 Socket / 4 Cores
Memory: 1 GB Memory
Vault Database Size: 10 GB
Replication: No Replication (meaning no connected Workgroup configuration)

Most customer struggle either with Memory or Vault Database Size.
For that cases and for bigger installations we recommend using SQL Server Standard Edition, which will then be needed to be pre-installed.

You can find details on how to pre-install SQL with screenshots in our help.
The main requirement is that the Instance Name is AutodeskVault.


You can install pre-IIS via the command line and DISM.exe provided in the Vault help and this will install IIS with all needed features.

Proxy Server

Vault does not support Proxy server configurations. For that reason, client machines need to be configured to bypass the proxy server for the local addresses with the information of the Vault server.
You can find the how-to in the help.

You can also bypass a Proxy, by adding following line to the product.exe.config like Connectivity.VaultPro.exe.config:

<proxy autoDetect=”False”/>

Johannes Bauer

Product Support Specialist
Customer Success Services

Johannes Bauer

Johannes Bauer studied Information Management at the University of applied Sciences FH Joanneum in Graz, Austria. After graduating he started in 2007 in the IT Department of a big manufacturing company mainly handling databases and servers. Throughout this job he gained knowledge with Vault and Autodesk products and joined – after a short stopover at a local IT Supplier – Autodesk in 2013. He is working in Customer Success and Services supporting Datamanagement Products – Vault & Fusion Lifecycle.
