Qualche tempo fa abbiamo comunicato la nascita di un portale contenente una serie di articoli dedicati al mercato AEC. Ad oggi sono disponibili quasi 300 articoli tecnici che spaziano su moltissimi argomenti del mondo dell’ingegneria, dell’architettura e delle costruzioni.
Ecco un riassunto di quanto prodotto da me ed Ilaria.
Building and Construction:
- Choosing a collaboration workflow with BIM 360 Design
- Combining native BIM files in the preconstruction phase
- FEM analysis within a BIM workflow
- Detailed steel design documentation – Part 1
- From steel layout to detailed steel design with BIM – Part 1
- BIM authoring tools for precast element design-Part 1
- BIM authoring tools for precast element design-Part 2
- Create a federated model from different sources
- Modelli federati condivisi in ambiente cloud
- Analisi solare preliminare
- Importing a parametric shape in your sketching environment
- Resolve clashes in authoring tools, part I
- Create a federated model through the cloud
- Federated cloud-based model sharing
- Conceptual solar analysis
Infrastructure and Construction
- Use Civil 3D with Storm and Sanitary Analysis Simulation for hydraulic simulation
- Convert GIS data to a 3D Model
- Use COGO points to track and manage site layout
- Site collaboration
- Fast terrain modeling and representation
- Understanding river and flow analysis
- Clash detection in the cloud
- Change visualization
- Infrastructure design workflow
- Time based analysis for road design
- Land expropriation for transportation design
- Convert CAD data to GIS format
- Quantity material estimation from a road project
- Earth excavation design and analysis
- Landslide analysis and rehabilitation
- Analisi e ripristino frane
- Calcolo delle quantità in un progetto stradale
Buona lettura!