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AU 2010 and AU Virtual Classes Available Online

autodesk university
December 9, 2010

Our thanks to everyone who attended AU 2010 Las Vegas and/or AU Virtual 2010. There was no shortage of excitement at this year’s events and lots of learning as well. Attendees from 77 countries participated in AU 2010 in Las Vegas and 186 countries participated in AU Virtual this year.

Classes from both events are now online.

  • AU 2010 Las Vegas attendees, Autodesk Subscription customers, members of the Autodesk Education community, and AU Virtual 2010 Premier attendees can access all of this new online class content.
  • All AU members can access the entire library of class handouts, listen to podcasts of all classes, and watch screencasts of a selection of AU 2010 classes.

How Do You Access This Great New Content?

We commonly get this question after the conference, so this year, I’m going to give you some pointers to get you started.

  1. Sign in to the AU website, using the same AU member account that you used to register for AU 2010 Las Vegas or AU Virtual.
  2. Click the Online Classes tab.
  3. Be sure the Event Year select is 2010.
  4. Search for the class. 

    One filter you may find  particularly helpful is the Sessions filter.  It’s easy to overlook. For example, select AU Live to filter for all classes that took place at the conference in Las Vegas.


  5. In the search results, take a look at the Materials column to see if the content you want is available.

    You can roll over the icons to identify the material.


  6. Click the Session ID or Title link for the class you want.
  7. Under the Class Materials section on the Class Details page, click the link for the class content you want.


Still Prefer That Face-to-Face Experience?

Autodesk University Extension officially started December 6 and continues through February 2011. AU Extension events combine expert-led classes recorded at AU Virtual 2010 with the benefits of live, on-site presentations by local experts, and those informal discussions with peers that AU 2010 conference attendees enjoy. You don’t have to wait for AU 2011 to enjoy many of the same benefits of the annual conference. Find an event near you.

Autodesk University really strives to offer a variety of choices to our international community.  We hope you will continue to take advantage of these learning opportunities throughout the year.  Thanks to all of you who helped to make AU 2010 a huge success.


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