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Help Us Select Classes for AU 2018—Community Voting Runs through July 13

July 3, 2018

Maybe you’re interested in A Look at How BIM and Prefabrication Can Lead to Fully Automated Building Construction.

Maybe learning about Bringing Virtual Reality to the Labor Force would make all the difference to you and your team going forward.

Maybe a class about Hybrid Techniques for Modeling Sheet Metal Parts in Fusion 360 is what you’re looking for at AU Las Vegas this year.

Or maybe you need to know more about Diagnosing Bad Models in Autodesk Nastran In-CAD.

Whatever you’re looking to learn at AU this November, let us know—community voting on AU Las Vegas 2018 class proposals is happening now. We received more than 2,100 proposals, and we only have room for 700 classes. So we’re looking for your input on which ones we select.

It’s our way of reaching out to the community and asking you to weigh in on what topics matter most. You can search by topic, by software, by class type, and even by instructional level. There are many factors that go into selecting classes for AU, but the input from the community is an important one.

But get your votes in soon. Community voting ends July 13.

