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CFP Is Closed—Time to Vote on Submissions

June 12, 2018

And look at that—another amazing Call for Proposals has drawn to a close. Once again, more than 2100 proposals came in from nearly 1200 community members in 49 countries, showing us what you’ve been working on, what you’ve been thinking about, what processes you’ve been improving, and how you’re getting the job done. Thanks to everyone who took the time to submit—it’s your insight and ideas that make AU such a vibrant event and such a strong learning community. We’ve said it before, but we’ll say it again, because it’s true: you are AU.

What’s next? Glad you asked. It’s community voting, open now through July 13.

Vote for AU Class Proposals
Again this year, we’re looking to the members of our AU community (that means you if you’re reading this) to tell us which proposals interest you most—those you’d most like to see become AU sessions. To cast your votes, visit the community voting page and review submissions. (Tip: you can search by topic to find the industry trends and technologies that interest you most.) Then give a thumbs-up to any proposals you particularly like. Submitted proposals are posted anonymously because we want you to focus not on who’s speaking, but on the class idea itself. You can vote for as many classes as you want, though you can only vote for any given proposal once (no stuffing the ballot box).

Community voting isn’t the only factor we consider when selecting classes, but it is important. So make sure your voice is heard, now through July 13.

In the meantime, thanks again to everyone who submitted a proposal. We know it takes a lot of time, energy, and thought, and we’re looking forward to reviewing your submissions carefully. This is how learning happens—for us, and for you.

