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AU 2013 classes are now online and they are free!

autodesk university
December 19, 2013

We know many of you want to catch up on those classes you didn’t have time to attend this year or are anxious to revisit some of the classes you did attend to review what you learned, to download handouts and presentations, and to just refresh your memory.

Anyone with an Autodesk account can access the entire library of video recordings and class handouts from more than 600 classes from AU 2013 in Las Vegas—for free.

So even if you were unable to attend the conference, you can now watch AU 2013 classes and enhance your knowledge about some of today’s hottest topics, such as the cloud, mobile, product lifecycle management, reality capture, Digital Prototyping, and sustainable design.

How do you access the new classes?

We commonly get this question after the conference, so here are some pointers to get you started.

  1. Sign in to the AU website using your Autodesk account. If you don’t have an account, you can create one the first time you click on either a class video or the link for a class handout.
  2. Go to Classes on Demand.
  3. Search for a class.

The class filters have changed this year. You need to do an initial search using the search box before the filters will display.


After the initial search, you will see the filters for software product and conference year under the search box.


In the search results, if you see a thumbnail, the class has a video recording and class handouts. If you don’t see a thumbnail, as with CF4107 below, then class handouts are available but no video.


Under the Materials section on the right side of the class details page, click the link for the class content you want to download, such as handout or presentation.


Class details, such as description, key learning objectives, audience, and speaker bio are found farther down the page.

This is a great opportunity to continue learning all year long.


autodesk university
