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Certification Exams at AU Top 2,600!

autodesk university
December 1, 2011

Passed_stampFree Autodesk Certification exams have been one of the most popular additions to AU in recent years, and this year the enthusiasm for taking them was greater than ever. In 2010, attendees took 2,600 exams at AU. This year, we topped that number on Wednesday, with still more testing available on Thursday.

A lot of people also caught on to the fact that they can take exams on Monday before the conference starts, leaving the rest of their week for classes and other AU activities. More than 600 exams were taken by the end of Monday.

One thing you might not know about this great offering at AU is that you can retake any exam as many times as you want during the conference. And no worries: If you don’t pass, we won’t put a big red F on your forehead or share it on Facebook.

We do, however, announce those who have passed the most separate exams (no, you can’t keep passing the same exam) while at AU 2011. Final results aren’t in yet, but as of noon Thursday, Tracy Chadwick is in the lead, having passed 8 of the 14 exams available! Tracy teaches at Hutchinson Community College in Hutchinson, Kansas.

Once the final results are in, the winner will receive a free all-inclusive AU 2012 pass, courtesy of Gilmore Global, who is the Autodesk North American Training Center Distributor. We’re planning on making the same offer next year, so you might want to prepare for the exams over the coming year. Hint: There are excellent certification preparation classes available on the AU site.

One more thing: Because we really value your feedback, 2 individuals who passed 4 separate Certification exams each and attended Lynn Allen’s AU Feedback Lunch today each received a free all-inclusive pass to AU 2012. Now that’s rewarded effort!


autodesk university
