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BIM 360 Release Notes

We are pleased to announce the release of spatial model alignment functionality in Design Collaboration. Models can now be aligned with one another using several transform actions. The newly aligned models can then be used in Design Collaboration to drive cross-industry, collaborative workflows and in Model Coordination for coordination of multi-format design and trade models. See also Model Coordination Release Notes


The Transform feature helps to reduce time-consuming, manual work done in both the authoring software and Design Collaboration to adjust model positions. Simplifying this task enables the entire project team to easily align their models in the cloud and understand how they fit together in the case of different location systems in the project. This means thatthe iterative design development and review process can happen faster and more accurately, even when working with multi-format design models from different authoring software.


The easy-to-use Transform feature has several alignment actions available for use while you are exploring the project model. Project teams can move and rotate models, use ‘Move into view’ and ‘Point-to-Point’ actions, or copy coordinates from a different model to ensure proper alignment.

Transform options

Various tools are provided to apply a transform to misaligned models.

By default, the Coordinates and Rotation fields display the original model positions from the authoring software. If a model has been previously transformed, a transform icon is displayed next to the model name, and the transformed positions are displayed. Manually enter new values into these fields, or use the steppers to ‘nudge’ values in either direction.

The Move into view option is useful for bringing a model that is positioned ‘off in space’ relative to the other models, into the center of your current view. You can then use the interactive tools for more accurate positioning.

The Copy from option makes it easy to copy positional data from another model. A tooltip displays the values that will be copied.

The Rotate and Point to Point options provide guided workflows to modify model orientation and position, by aligning two object edges or corresponding points.


Transform data is saved against the model file in the Project Files folder in Document Management. For Revit files, the transform will be saved for all 3D Views published from the same RVT file, keeping everything in sync.

Saved transforms are respected whenever the models are reopened in the context of the BIM 360 project, including in Share and Consume workflows in Design Collaboration or coordinate workflows in Model Coordination. Transform data carries forwards to future file versions and copies of the file. For step-by-step instructions on using the Transform feature, see the Transform Models topic in the BIM 360 help.

For more details see also Design Collaboration Online Help

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Marco Ramolla is a Senior Product Manager in Autodesk Construction Solutions leading the Workflow group to provide pre-construction configurations and workflows. This includes Design Collaboration, Revit Issue Add-in and configuration of Design Collaboration and Model Coordination.
