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AU 2015 AutoCAD and LT Classes Now Online

Diana Martinez
January 20, 2016

Just like the holiday season, Autodesk University (AU) 2015 may be gone but it doesn’t have to be forgotten. Dozens of recorded AutoCAD® classes and AutoCAD LT® classes are now online—and dressed up with a festive assortment of downloadable resources—so you can think of AU 2015 as the gift that keeps on giving. Gift wrapping not available.

Autodesk University 2015 tagline: Learn. Connect. Explore. AU 2015 recorded AutoCAD and LT classes now online.

Autodesk University 2015: Gone but not forgotten. Actually, not even really gone.

Each week for the next few months we’ll blog about a few AU 2015 recorded AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT classes that we know users will love. How do we know you’ll love them? Because we’re curating only those classes that actual AU 2015 attendees have reported as their very favorites, that’s how.

Start with the three surefire pulse quickeners below.

Fast-paced, recorded AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT classes from Autodesk University 2015

  • AutoCAD Jeopardy: Think you’ll get the right AutoCAD “trivia” answers faster than a roomful of power users? No prizes to claim but you’re welcome to all the bragging rights you can muster. Game card included.
  • 60 AutoCAD Tips in 60 Minutes: The tips come fast and furious in this whirlwind of productivity boosters from Cadalyst Columnist and Autodesk Technical Evangelist Lynn Allen. Lynn’s Tip and Tricks booklet for AutoCAD 2016 included.
  • AutoCAD Super-Duper Click Savers: Learn the secrets for streamlining your daily AutoCAD tasks, and use your time saved for the important stuff. 23-page handout (and 73-page PowerPoint) included as reference.

Next up: Develop or extend your AutoCAD customization chops with “basic” and “beyond” AutoCAD Customization Boot Camp classes.


Diana Martinez

Diana is a digital marketing specialist.
