Category: Community

  • The Conception Product Design Battle

    The Conception Product Design Battle 2021

    The Conception Product Design Battle 2021 – a virtual design hackathon organized for the community members of the ‘Autodesk Community Gujarat’ user group, was held from July 15 to September 1, 2021. Design for industry challenges – 4 themes were covered. Organized, mentored & supported by the members of our community in the form of webinars, mentoring…

  • Success Story

    Success story from the Community: Codeo

    Community Expert Elite members Tolgay Hickiran and Kivanc Kizildemir were featured in a recent Autodesk Customer Success story about their firm, Codeo, and their work on design automation using Forge. Tolgay and Kivanc are active members of the Autodesk Community in Turkey, living in Izmir, Turkey and have been part of the Expert Elite program…

  • These 7 steps of digital transformation

    7 Steps of Digital Transformation in Manufacturing

    These 7 steps of digital transformation in manufacturing evolve traditional processes and create a flexible, platform-based strategy for the future. Click on the link below or the image above to read the original post on Autodesk’s Redshift Blog. Source: 7 Steps of Digital Transformation in Manufacturing Visit the Autodesk Community today! Home

  • 12月2日【直播预告】以随机渐变铺装图绘制为例,如何解决工作中遇到的特殊需求

    老话常说:他山之石,可以攻玉。现代社会,经验的积累与成功案例的借鉴都能提高我们工作的效率。作为设计软件的领导者,Autodesk 帮助许多设计者完成简单、高效的创造性工作。 为了帮助更多设计者将无限创想转变为新的现实,融合多种技术去应对挑战。Autodesk 特别策划了【欧特克专家精英课】,通过线上直播的方式将前沿的理念及实用的技巧分享给大家。2021年12月2日北京时间14:00-15:00,来自西安木玉泽景观规划设计有限公司的设计师、Autodesk Expert Elite 专家精英成员王磊先生(社区ID: @465340553 ),将为大家以随机渐变铺装图绘制为例,共同交流如何解决工作中遇到的特殊需求。实操展示如何分析问题并将问题逐步分解,如何使用自己熟悉的工具和方法来解决工作中遇到的问题。期望能与大家分享解决问题的方法和思路,而不是解决具体的问题。 本次直播将在欧特克Bilibili直播间进行。 立即访问 Autodesk 社区! 主页 Join this webinar (Chinese language) on Autodesk Bilibili featuring Wang Lei, one of our Civil 3D Expert Elite members from China, who will be talking about how to solve the special needs encountered at work using Random Geometric Gradient Paving Pattern as an example. Visit the…

  • AEC Community Member

    AEC Community Member – Philip Simon

    AEC Community Manager Wendy Lim recently met with Phil Simon, Skanska BIM Manager and Community Expert Elite, to talk about his career in AEC, the possibilities of BIM, and the value of sharing knowledge in the Autodesk Community. What attracted you to a career in BIM? Construction was already my career.  I had worked in…

  • Autodesk Office Hours

    Autodesk Office Hours – Every Tuesday!

    Come visit us every Tuesday for Autodesk Office Hours! When are Office Hours? Autodesk experts will be in the community to answer your questions (in English, Chinese, and German) every Tuesday during these times: 10:00-14:00 PST 10:00-12:00 CEST 10:00-12:00 SGT Experts will be available in these communities and forums: Installation and Licensing BIM 360 Fusion 360 One AutoCAD (including AutoCAD…

  • Best of AU 2021

    Best of AU 2021 | Autodesk University

    Best of AU 2021! Congratulations to all of the Top Rated Speakers from this year’s conference, and a big Thank You to everyone who gave of thier time and talents persenting classes and meetups to the Community. Last but certainly not least, thank you to all who attended this year! I am so looking forward…

  • Riddle Me This

    Riddle Me This…. Forums Usage Guides

    We are all on a journey, regardless of what software we are using or learning, or whether we are a professional, a student or a hobbyist. Along this road, even those who consider themselves experts in their field or discipline need help occasionally. When this happens many users turn to our Autodesk Forums for help…

  • Going Mobile

    Going Mobile Part 2 – Recording Posted!

    We just held an Autodesk Community Conversation yesterday, Thursday November 11, 2021 for “Going Mobile with AutoCAD with Shaun Bryant, Part 2” with Shaun Bryant and hosted by Community Manager Shaan Hurley. You are welcome to visit the session page to see the recording and continue the conversation in the comments area. The next session…

  • Spacemaker Flights and Journeys

    Spacemaker Flights and Journeys

    So, what are Spacemaker Flights and Journeys? Spacemaker Flights is a series of webinars at regular intervals for you to attend at your own convenience. The Flights leave at scheduled intervals, guided by our customer success managers and educational specialists. Whether you’re a current user or not, you are still welcome to join these sessions.…