• A car in 15 minutes

    Over the last few years, several technologies which massively speed up concept modeling have been added to Alias. These technologies include subdivision surfaces, Dynamo and Create VR. Inspired by this, some colleagues and I wanted to challenge ourselves: How detailed a car design could we create, when limited to a 15-minute time frame? We went…

  • Dynamo: Creating well-defined patterns using curves

    In my last blog and video, I shared how to apply any pattern across multiple surfaces in an easy way. As the pattern to be applied needs to be created first, I thought it might be helpful to show how to create a well-defined pattern using curves. I will share the script below and show…

  • Dynamo: Solving pattern application across different surfaces

    One of the most common problems users have had with Dynamo, Grasshopper, and similar tools is how to apply patterns across different target surfaces so that it looks natural and authentic. This issue arises most frequently with interior design, when we want to place patterns (say, a logo) across the interior of a door. Usually,…

  • Create your own tools in Alias

    I’ve been a Dynamo enthusiast for years, so I’ve had the chance to learn the ins and outs of everything that Dynamo can do inside Alias. We know a number of our users might not have that experience and aren’t aware of the many ways Dynamo can make their work easier, better, stronger. Because Dynamo…