Solutions in the Arnold 7 Update

2 min read

Arnold 7 image courtesy of Lee Griggs

The latest Arnold release amplifies rendering performance, interactivity, and reliability allowing you to deliver beautiful results faster. Performance is significantly upgraded, scalability on GPU is greatly improved, and fullframe imagers are now updated during rendering. This release also adds production-ready USD enhancements for specific procedurals and shapes in Hydra, deep AOVs, light linking, and more.

Boosted performance

Enhanced post-processing nodes

This release continues to build on Arnold’s post-processing nodes (or imagers) toolset to allow you to fine-tune post-processing effects and see them update right in the render view. Also introduced are new imagers for denoising and LUT-based tone mapping.

Technical improvements

GPU scalability

Arnold continues to improve on its GPU toolset with reduced VRAM use for polymeshes and volumes, and added support for matte.

USD enhancements

Arnold continues to collaborate with top studios to add production-ready USD improvements. This release includes added USD support for UsdImaging adapters, deep rendering, procedural path mapping, and more. Several performance improvements have also been added.

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