Solutions in the Arnold 7.1 Update

2 min read

Arnold 7.1 Alien landscape image courtesy of Heribert Raab

Arnold is focused on helping you handle complex projects, customize your pipeline, and render high-quality 3D images with speed. This update brings you NVIDIA’s OptiX 7 Denoiser for consistent, high-grade denoising, as well as powerful improvements to USD, interactive rendering, and the Triplanar shader.

OptiX 7 Denoiser

You can quickly render life-like results on GPU with NVIDIA’s OptiX 7 Denoiser in Arnold. The updated denoiser supports consistent AOV denoising, an essential production feature for compositing workflows. When rendering with Arnold, you will often render a frame that is decomposed in many layers or AOVs, which are then reassembled in a compositing tool. Because denoising will modify an AOV to reduce the noise, it is essential that denoising is consistent across AOVs to enable you to assemble them back without artifact. Previously restricted to the Arnold Noise Denoiser, consistent denoising of multiple AOVs is now possible with OptiX 7, bringing increased performance and quality to your creative workflows.

Arnold 7.1 OptiX 7 Denoiser on vehicle

Triplanar shader

Arnold’s Triplanar shader allows you to project a texture from all six sides, without using a UV map. It is a versatile tool that can be used to texture environments or define a hatching look in toon rendering. This update builds on its existing capabilities, allowing you to now use a specific texture for each projection direction.

Arnold 7.1 Triplanar Shader on destroyed vehicle

USD enhancements

You can benefit from multiple USD improvements in the USD procedural and the Hydra Render Delegate. The Hydra Render Delegate now supports environment shaders, background shaders, and ramp shaders with linked colors. These enhancements empower you to deal with instances more efficiently. Arnold USD supports USD 21.11, available both as part of Arnold’s plugins and as an open-source project here.

Interactivity improvements

Arnold welcomes an optimized user experience when interactively rendering a scene. Scenes with imagers and atmosphere shaders benefit from interactivity improvements on CPU and GPU, allowing you to harmoniously iterate a scene as it renders. With a fixed minimum frame rate, you can also enjoy an augmented interactive GPU rendering when working with heavier scenes.


This update contains newer components such as MaterialX 1.38.3 and Alembic 1.8.3. Arnold continues to focus on stability with over 70 new bug fixes. This update uses 2023 licensing, requires a newer NVIDIA driver (495 and above) on Linux and Windows, and needs 3rd party plugins to be rebuilt.

Check out the Arnold Release Notes for further information.

Learn how customers around the world are using Arnold today on AREA by Autodesk.

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