Autodesk Vault 2022.1 What’s New?
Autodesk Vault 2022.1 is a ‘point’ release – additional functionality delivered to Vault subscribers as soon as it’s ready – so you can benefit from this added functionality right away.
This spring we brought you Autodesk Vault 2022 for a more modern, connected, and insightful experience with data management for the many different user roles who depend on Vault PDM (Click this link for Autodesk Vault 2022 What’s New).
The new release delivered greater automation for faster workflows and the flexibility to work with your design data anywhere, anytime thanks to a new browser experience and mobile app.
Now, with the release of Autodesk Vault 2022.1, we’ve packed more customer-driven features and enhancements.
Vault 2022.1 allows you to view CAD files with the new Autodesk viewer, add and export markups from inside Vault and run Vault copy-design directly from inside Autodesk Inventor.
Quick links
Jump to the section you are interested in:
- Vault 2022.1 in Autodesk Inventor
- Vault 2022 in Solidworks
- Vault 2022.1 Desktop Client
- Vault 2022.1 Browser Client
- Vault 2022.1 Mobile App
- Vault 2022.1 For Administrators
- Vault 2022.1 Share your feedback
Vault in Autodesk Inventor
Run Vault Copy Design directly inside Autodesk Inventor.
Vault Copy Design is the easiest way to create a copy of your existing assembly and its associated files. With Vault 2022.1, you are now able to run Vault copy design directly from the Inventor interface.
- Run copy design from the right-click menu in ‘Uses’ or ‘Where used’ in the Vault ‘Show details’ panel.
- Run copy design from the right-click menu in the Vault browser
- Copy design runs – configure your copy as usual.
After the Copy Design is complete, you can open your new design in Inventor, directly from the copy design dialog with a right mouse button click.
Click here to read the Vault online help for copy design in Inventor add-in
Open Drawing from Vault – Model state support
Model state support has been added for the ‘Open drawing from Vault’ workflow.
Now, when you Right Mouse Button click on a model state node from the Inventor browser, you’ll open the drawing file that contains the drawing for that Model state.
- Right click on the model state you are interested in, from the context menu – select ‘Open drawing from vault’
- The drawing associated with the selected model state will open.
- If a single drawing is associated to the model state file, the drawing file opens directly from Vault.
- If there are multiple drawings associated to the model state, you can select and open one or more of the associated drawings from the “Select File from Vault” dialog.
- If there is no associated drawing to the model state, you can open related drawings from other model states.
Click here to read the Vault online help for Model State associated drawings
Vault advanced options in the Select File dialog for Copy Design and more.
The advanced options for file selection are now available consistently across all ‘File > Open’ dialogs – in both the Vault desktop client and inside Inventor.
You now have consistent access to Advanced search, shortcuts, and saved searches from the Vault client in the File > Open dialog for Vault Client (Copy Design, Attachments, Purge, Rename, Replace, Item, Plot Manager etc.) and when opening files for editing in CAD (Inventor, AutoCAD).

Advanced options are now available consistently across all Vault file dialogs.
Vault in Solidworks
Just in case you missed it, we’ve also updated our Vault add-in for Solidworks.
In the Inventor app, we have the ‘Show details’ Panel. New in Solidworks is the ‘Vault details panel’.
View vault data, such as history, reference files, where this file is referenced and access change orders and the item master directly from inside Solidworks.
Click here to read ‘What’s New’ in the Solidworks plugin for Autodesk Vault.
Do you use another CAD system with Autodesk Vault? Click this link for the Vault CAD add-ins for Solidworks, Creo, Pro-E and Microstation on the Autodesk Vault App-store.
Vault 2022.1 Desktop Client
Autodesk Viewer
Vault 2022.1 integrates Autodesk Viewer into the Vault Client to view DWF/DWFx and PDF files. The viewer includes tools to explore, examine, and review and markup your design.
By default, the traditional ‘Autodesk Design Review’ (ADR) Viewer will be active. To use the Autodesk Viewer, visit Vault options, and from ‘Default settings for viewing files’, pick ‘Autodesk Viewer’.
- Tools > Options
- Default settings for viewing files > Autodesk Viewer
- You are now using the Autodesk viewer!
Click here to read the Vault online help for Autodesk Viewer
Vault desktop client support for Print and Markup
The addition of the Autodesk viewer includes print and markup functionality. When viewing files with the Autodesk viewer, you can now browse the model structure, explode or section the model and take dimensions.
You can also markup the image of the model with text, arrows, clouds, and shapes to add your own notes or feedback. You can save or print a snapshot image (.png) of your 2D or 3D files including their markups, for your own reference or to include in an approval workflow.
Drawing support added for Vault items created from model states.
When creating an item from an Inventor model that has model states, Vault will create a unique item for each model states that has a unique part number.
In Vault 2022.1 support has been added to make sure that associated drawing (IDW & DWG) files referencing the appropriate model states are also linked to the items.
Vault 2022.1 Thin Client
Vault Thin (browser) Client support for Items and BOMs
The Vault Thin Client 2022.1 includes support for Item Bill of materials, and Item ‘where used’.
When viewing item details, the browser client now includes the familiar ‘Bill of Materials and ‘Where Used’ tabs.
The Bill of Materials tab lists items in a Multi-Level or Parts Only view. Rows in the multi-level hierarchy can be expanded to view nested items.
The Where Used tab shows the bottom-up hierarchy of a single part, which also contains nested items that you can expand and collapse.
Click here for the Vault online help for Thin client enhancements

Vault 2022.1 web client support for ‘Bill of Materials’ and ‘Where used’ for Items
Vault Thin client support for Markup
You can now markup your model in the Vault Thin Client, with text, arrows, clouds, and shapes to add your own notes or feedback.
You can save or print a snapshot image (.png) of your 2D or 3D files including their markups, or your own reference or to include in an approval workflow.

Markup support in the Vault 2022.1 Thin client
Vault 2022.1 Mobile App
Autodesk ID login enhancement
When logged in with your Autodesk ID, the frequency that re-login is required is reduced.
Vault Administrators
User/Group Report Enhancement
Vault administrators can now export user reports by role, group, and vault access:
User Management dialog box > File > Export.
New options have been added to show effective access of each user, both directly configured and obtained via group membership. Additional columns are added to show ‘Effective Roles’, ‘Effective Vaults’, and ‘Effective Groups’.
Users or groups can be seen in the dialogue as a simple flat list or filtered by Effective Vaults to which the groups have access, or as a list grouped by Effective roles.
Click here for the Vault online help for Export User/Group
SSL Configuration Improvement
Adding a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL certificate) to help your vault clients securely access your Vault server via web access has been made simpler and easier for you with new configuration options.
Vault administrators can view the network configuration and configure SSL for secure communication on the Network Settings tab of the Global Settings dialog box.
The Network Settings tab displays the server URL used for connecting to the Vault Client.
The URL includes:
- Protocol (HTTP/HTTPS)
- Host Name
- Port number
To access Vault Server over HTTPS:
- Select HTTPS to access the Vault server over HTTPS.
- Click Certificate to configure SSL with a new certificate.
- In the Select a Certificate dialog, select the SSL certificate from a list of trusted certificates.
- Select the Host name.
Edit the Port number if you want to set a different SSL port for connection. The default port is 443.
Click here for the Vault online help for SSL Configuration Enhancements
Vault 2022.1 – Share Your Feedback
To help you get the most from your subscription, we release new functionality to you as soon as it available as a ‘point’ release, between yearly releases.
To make sure that we are working on your priorities – we need your feedback!
To share feedback and product improvement requests with our Vault team, please join the following communities:
Vault Ideas – Submit your ideas for improvements and new features.
Vault Forums – Discuss Vault’s current workflows with our technical teams and your peers.