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Under the Hood - All things PDM and PLM

To give Upchain customers access to new functionality faster and improve the quality of service, Autodesk has changed its Upchain product release cycle from a quarterly update to a progressive rollout. This means that Upchain customers will see new features and enhancements in a progressive and ongoing basis, eliminating the impact of releasing many features and fixes all at once and allowing customers to enjoy the stability of more incremental releases on a more frequent basis.

This post summarizes new functionality and fixes that were rolled out over the course of several weeks in March. Watch the video to see some of the features in action and read on to learn more about what’s new in Upchain 23.1.

Upchain 23.1 Highlights

Administrative Enhancements 

Custom reports

Tenant admins are now able to create and modify custom reports without having to reach out to Upchain support for assistance. This includes BOM, project and item detail, and change notice or request reports.

eBOM attribute creation

Similarly, admins can now create new eBOM attributes without Upchain support, allowing you to better tailor your experience for your unique business needs.

New user roles

Upchain 23.1 introduces the addition of new user roles to align more closely to your users’ functions. New roles include industrial, process, and software engineer, as well as software lead, and supplier quality manager.

Author Enhancements 

Clone action enhancements

When cloning items, all custom attributes and their values are now copied with the clone function giving users better data accuracy and cutting down on the amount of data you have to input manually.

Custom property prioritization

In Upchain 23.1 we have also enabled users to prioritize whether the system should read or write property values to file or custom properties in Inventor files.

Participant Enhancements 

Where used enhancements

In Upchain 23.1 we have added the ability to open links in a new tab when using the where used function in order to not interrupt your workflow by having to navigate away from an item.

Advanced search for supplier

Advanced search now supports finding suppliers associated with specific items and projects. This helps you quickly find supplier relationships and improve your traceability within the system.

Learn more   

See release notes for Upchain 23.1 and previous releases in the Autodesk Help Center.

Visit the Autodesk Fusion 360 Manage with Upchain product center.

Share your feedback  

Many of these Upchain enhancements were made because of user requests. To make sure we’re working on your priorities, be sure to give us your feedback. You can join the following communities to share feedback and product improvement requests with Autodesk’s Upchain product team:

Upchain Ideas – Share ideas for future product features and collaborate on existing suggestions with your peers.

Upchain Forums – Share your knowledge, ask questions, and explore popular Upchain topics.


Christa Prokos

Christa is a product marketing manager at Autodesk. She researches and writes about product development strategies and technologies, including data management and product lifecycle management. Outside work, you can find Christa gravitating toward engineers at social gatherings.
