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Under the Hood - All things PDM and PLM

What’s New in Upchain – July 2023 Product Update

Andreja Schneider
July 26, 2023

Earlier this Spring, Autodesk changed its Upchain product release cycle from a quarterly update to a progressive rollout to give customers access to new functionality faster and improve the quality of service. This means that Upchain customers will see new features and enhancements in a progressive and ongoing basis, eliminating the impact of releasing many features and fixes all at once and allowing customers to enjoy the stability of more incremental releases on a more frequent basis.

This post summarizes new functionality and fixes that were rolled out over the course of several weeks in June and July. Watch the video to see some of the features in action and read on to learn more about what’s new in Upchain.

Upchain July Update Highlights

Author Enhancements

Support for new CAD software versions: Inventor 2024, Catia 2022, and Catia 2023

When working with Upchain, users can now use the latest Inventor 2024 and Catia versions 2022 and 2023 with their new features and improved stability.

Updated graphic changes for downloaded models in the SolidWorks plugin

Users can now enjoy a seamless and improved download and reload of SolidWorks files when working with the plugin and with the “Download latest version” filter. The SolidWorks plugin will no longer prompt for permission to reload files after using the “Download latest version” filter, either from the cBOM context menu or the validation window after a refresh.

Participant Enhancements 

Support for different eBOM values for the same eCAD items

Electrical engineers can now import different eBOM values to the same eCAD item numbers in one BOM.

Ability to prevent users from editing manufacturer details

With the tenant property disable.edit.manufacturer.details, admins can disable the ability to edit manufacturer-related attributes (such as manufacturer name and manufacturer item number) whenever an item has an ERP number assigned to it.

Special characters support in item names

Upchain now has added support for characters Æ, ڣ , Ở , ₡, Ꭓ, Dž, Ø, $, and ‘, in item names and the ability to release such items for downstream consumption.

Effective date BOM support in items’ ‘where used’ information

For those using effective date BOM type of project and BOM filters, we enabled this BOM information in an item’s ‘where used’ information, as well as added support for navigation to such BOM filter directly from an item’s ‘where used’ information (open link and open in new tab support).

Administrative Enhancements 

Stabilization of workflow editor

We have improved the tenant administrator efficiency in working with workflows by better support of their actions when selecting different primitives or primitive statuses.

We are also ensuring that items exiting the release workflow will contain some of the following item status (development, released, released_external, obsolete) and not staying locked in some of the intermediate statuses which could not be reverted/corrected by users.

Performance updates

We have optimized retrieving file versions with associated drawings.

We have decreased the Upchain Web interface loading time by up to three seconds per login.

Learn more   

See previous Upchain product updates here.

See release notes for the latest Upchain version as well as previous releases in the Autodesk help center here.

Visit the Autodesk Fusion 360 Manage with Upchain product center here.

Share your feedback  

Many of these enhancements were made because of user requests. To make sure we’re working on your priorities, be sure to give us your feedback. You can join the following communities to share feedback and product improvement requests with Autodesk’s Upchain product team:

Upchain Ideas – Submit your ideas for improvements and new features.

Upchain Forums – Discuss Upchain with our technical teams and your peers.


Andreja Schneider

Andreja Schneider is a Product Management Engineer at Autodesk working on PDM / PLM product portfolio. She has over 11 years of experience in the Industry and works closely with Autodesk customers, partners and internal stakeholders on Upchain product consulting and development strategy. Before moving into Product manager role, she worked as BA, QA and Product Owner. Disclaimer: The posts on this blog are the authors' own personal opinions and do not represent their employer's view in any way. In addition, their thoughts and opinions often change, and as a weblog is intended to provide a semi-permanent point-in-time snapshot you should not consider out-of-date posts to reflect their current thoughts and opinions.
