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BIM 360 Release Notes

On April 9th, we launched a brand new Project Home page for next generation BIM 360.

Why Project Home?

Project Home provides a unified view into important, relevant, and actionable information from across BIM 360 to our users. This allows you to quickly evaluate areas that require attention for you or your team. From Project Home, you can easily navigate to other BIM 360 modules to continue your work. This is a part of our efforts to make the BIM 360 experience more unified, simple, and data centric for our customers.

Read more to find out about:

Project Home Highlights

What is Live now

Navigation and Settings

Who has access to Project Home



  • Unified and data centric: A new project home page with relevant and actionable information from across BIM 360 services
  • User specific: Access to information based on user specific roles and permissions
  • Actionable: Ability to select an item and navigate directly to that item in the specific module to take action
  • Seamless navigation: Acts as the default project landing page and also accessible from the module picker

What is live now:

  1. Project Address: card displaying the location of the project and a map. The address information is coming from the Project profile in BIM 360 account administration. Please update the address in account administration if it is empty
  2. Weather: card displaying the current and forecasted weather for the project. Weather information is based on the address detail entered in BIM 360 account administration
  3. Field Management Issues – card displaying the list of issues from Field Management that the user has permission to view
  4. Scheduled Checklists – card displaying checklist inspections that are scheduled and the user has permission to view
  5. RFIs: card displaying list of RFIs which are actionable and relevant to the user
  6. Document Issues – card displaying list of issues from Document Management that are currently open and relevant for the user
  7. Submittals: card displaying the list of Submittal items which are open and relevant to the user who is viewing the card
  8. Design Packages – card displaying the list of design packages available for the user from Design Collaboration module

Users can click on “View all” or the expand and collapse option to see more information when available.

You can also click on individual items and navigate to that specific information in the corresponding feature module to take further action. For example, clicking on a Document Issue opens up that specific issue details in the Document Management module in a new tab.

Who has access to Project Home:

Project Home is available for projects using Next generation BIM 360. You can access it from the module picker in BIM 360 for your Project. All BIM 360 customers can access Project Home page and view information that they have permission to see in the project. There are no separate permissions to get access to Project Home.

Users will have access to specific cards only if they are part of that service in the project. In addition, scope of the information displayed is based on your project level permission.

Project Member view:

Regular Project Members will get to see ONLY items that are assigned to them and are unresolved. They will not be able to view any data that is not assigned to them.

Project Admin view:

In addition to the items assigned to them, Project Admins also get to see the project level items

What if I am a classic BIM 360 (Glue or Field) user?

Project Home is only available for Next generation BIM 360. It only shows data from Next Generation BIM 360 modules such as Document Management, Field Management, Project Management, Design Collaboration and Administration.

What if I am a BIM 360 Design user?

If you are a BIM 360 Design user with access to Document Management and the new Design Collaboration module, you will be able to view the Document Issues card and Design Packages card. In addition, you also get the Project Address and Weather cards. Moreover, the data visible in each card will be based on the users permission to that item in BIM 360. See below example of what a BIM 360 Design user will see in Project Home.




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Manu Venugopal

Manu Venugopal is an Architecture, Engineering, and Construction technology expert and thought leader focusing on Building Information Modeling, data and analytics. As a Senior Product Manager at Autodesk, Manu helps the BIM 360 team build innovative products using cloud and mobile technologies and improve the Construction industry processes. Manu is currently working on introducing machine learning and predictive analytics to construction industry providing insights to customers to help them deliver projects successfully. He is passionate about interoperability and helps partners and developers build apps and integrations with BIM 360 on the Forge platform. Manu has a Doctoral degree from Georgia Tech, under the guidance of Prof. Chuck Eastman. Manu’s doctoral research introduced semantic web technologies to solve AEC industry challenges. He also has a Masters in Computational Science and Engineering. He is a co-author of the National BIM Standard and more than 30 publications.
