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BIM 360 Release Notes

BIM 360 Model Coordination – November 2021

November 16, 2021

The November 2021 release of Model Coordination provides users even more granular control when reviewing clashes with the new Group by property enhancements.


Quickly interrogate your clash data using the new Group by enhancements

When reviewing clashes, users will now be able to group clashes by any property of a clashing object. Be this a property from your Revit, IFC or DWG file. Use properties automatically generated in the authoring applications such as dimension or materials. Alternatively if you use customer properties for object classification, sort by these too.

Easily identify clashes that need resolving or those that are not an issue

Use properties to quickly identify clashes as not an issue. As an example, use diameter values to identify pipes below a certain value and classify as not an issue.

With this feature, we now also support different language attributes from the authoring application. For example, if the Revit or AutoCAD properties are in German, we will show these directly in Model Coordination.

Using the enhanced Group by filter in conjunction with the other clash review tools in the viewer, speed up your clash identification workflow using Model Coordination.

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Paul is a Sr. Product Manager in Autodesk Construction Solutions leading the group building model coordination workflows across Autodesk Construction Cloud. Paul was part of the Navisworks acquisition in 2007 and has been in software development for 20 years.
