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BIM 360 Release Notes

Often one daily log is not enough to capture all the work that has been done on site. Now field users can submit several daily logs for the same day. Teams covering day shifts and night shifts or different areas of the same jobsite no longer need to take the time to consolidate their work into a single daily log. Instead they can submit as many logs as they want for the same day.​​​​​​​

This new feature brings more flexibility, increases transparency and creates clearer ownership of data.



Creating daily logs

Users can click on the ‘Create new daily log’ button which will automatically set the date for that day. If however, they want to create a log for another day, they can select the desired date from the calendar.
Filling out a daily log hasn’t changed. They can still edit the weather data, add notes and photos to provide further explanation to the hours and workers logged in.



Reviewing daily logs

Thanks to the new calendar view, superintendents can easily select a specific period and quickly review all daily logs submitted within that time frame. Days with logs show in black, days without logs show in grey.



Once they selected the time frame they want to review, they can sort the list based on title or date. The colors indicate the status of the log: grey=new, orange=in progress, blue=published. If they click on a specific log, they can also see its details.

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