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BIM 360 Release Notes

BIM 360 Daily Logs – Creator Permission

March 23, 2021

We have released a new permission type for Daily Logs, called “Creator”.
With this update, general contractors will be able to improve data ownership on complex projects where many different subcontractors are working together and all of them are submitting their own daily logs.

How the Creator permission works

​​​​​​​The Creator permission is the third permission type in addition to the existing Manager (can view, create and edit all daily logs) and Viewer (can view all daily logs) permissions.

It allows users to create their own logs only and avoid seeing or editing other companies’ logs.

A user with Creator permission can do 2 things:

  • Create and edit their own daily logs
  • View their company’s daily logs



​​​​​​​The Creator permission can be setup by Project Admins, under the Field Management permissions.

It’s also important to add a note about these specific permission cases:

  • If a user has creator permission but doesn’t have a default company: the user is only able to create their own daily logs.
  • If a user has viewer permission (eg. because of their associated role as an architect) and creator permission (eg. because of their associated company): the user will keep both permissions’ capabilities, so they will still be able to view all daily logs but only edit their own.


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