We are happy to announce that the 2025.1 release of Autodesk Alias is now available for download to our subscribers and users.
This release focused a lot on modeling improvements in NURBS and SubD and further work on the new Puck menu interface.
Highlights in this release include:
- New options in the Curve Blend tool
- Updates to the Bridge Fillet and Gap Check tools
- Precision in SubD modeling
- Updates to preferences and references
- New menu options for the Puck
- Support for new CAD formats
Watch the video below for all these highlights and more in detail:
If you missed it, you can review the Alias 2025 release here.
You can also review the help documentation for the Alias 2025.1 release at this link.
Stay tuned for more customer spotlights, industry stories, and product updates.
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