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BIM 360 Release Notes

June 18, 2019 BIM 360 Prediction and Analytics update introduces Construction IQ, Autodesk’s powerful machine learning service to next gen BIM 360 Field Management projects, in order to help predict and prevent quality and safety issues. We are also introducing a new Design dashboard to track and analyze design review and coordination analytics.

Construction IQ Preview – now available for next gen Field Management projects


  • Support for classic and next gen Field projects in the same account
  • Integrated user experience and navigation
  • Issues dialog with Construction IQ prediction and input
  • Deep linking to specific issues

With this update, Project Leaders can leverage Construction IQ to identify high risk issues as well as subcontractors carrying risk on their next gen Field Management projects. With deep links to Field Management, Project Leaders can immediately take action on the identified high risk issues.

Demo video: unified experience across Construction IQ and next gen Field Management

Executive users can view a cross-project view of risk. In this view, Executives can see a unified view of projects including classic BIM 360 Field projects, and next gen Field Management projects.

To learn more about Construction IQ, visit our product release notes:

Introducing new Design dashboard

With this update, we are introducing a new Design dashboard. Analytics based on Design and Coordination issues are now available in a new Design dashboard. Project Leaders can track and identify trends and patterns around outstanding design and coordination issues as well as analyze which companies are responsible for resolving them.

Note: existing design issue analytics are now moved from the Project Controls dashboard to the new Design dashboard.

Image: Design dashboard for project leaders to track and analyze design and coordination analytics

How to get access?

  • Project Admins can give their team members access to the Insight dashboards.
  • If you are interested in the Construction IQ Preview, please contact us to request access to Construction IQ Preview.

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Manu Venugopal

Manu Venugopal is an Architecture, Engineering, and Construction technology expert and thought leader focusing on Building Information Modeling, data and analytics. As a Senior Product Manager at Autodesk, Manu helps the BIM 360 team build innovative products using cloud and mobile technologies and improve the Construction industry processes. Manu is currently working on introducing machine learning and predictive analytics to construction industry providing insights to customers to help them deliver projects successfully. He is passionate about interoperability and helps partners and developers build apps and integrations with BIM 360 on the Forge platform. Manu has a Doctoral degree from Georgia Tech, under the guidance of Prof. Chuck Eastman. Manu’s doctoral research introduced semantic web technologies to solve AEC industry challenges. He also has a Masters in Computational Science and Engineering. He is a co-author of the National BIM Standard and more than 30 publications.
