• Finding the red thread: Christian Grajewski, freelance designer and full-time creative

    Putting passion first. This German designer has built an intriguing career that reinforces a “creativity first” mindset. With an education in product and conceptual design, experience with Alias, and an internship (September 2007-February 2008) at the Volkswagen Group Future Center Europe GmbH, Christian believed he was set for the life of a permanent interior designer.…

  • A car in 15 minutes

    Over the last few years, several technologies which massively speed up concept modeling have been added to Alias. These technologies include subdivision surfaces, Dynamo and Create VR. Inspired by this, some colleagues and I wanted to challenge ourselves: How detailed a car design could we create, when limited to a 15-minute time frame? We went…

  • Behind the scenes with Mike Turner series 02 teaser: Taking vehicle design off highway

    In 2021, we went behind the scenes with Senior Designer Mike Turner to hear about some of his work with VRED. These videos offer tips and processes for extending VRED’s value and experimenting with views and environments, the basics of data set-up and file import; artwork techniques to make your design pop; VRED environments, HDRIs…

  • Car Design News “Car Design Dialogues 2022: Americas virtual event

    Car Design News hosted their first-ever Virtual Car Design Dialogues event last year in North America, Europe, and the Asia Pacific region.  The event was very well attended, and there were a host of companies represented. While the world is slowly starting to open up, the ongoing coronavirus pandemic is still making travel to automotive…

  • Behind the Scenes with Mike Turner series 01, episode 05: Retro Rendering with the 1980s DeLorean

    In this bonus episode of his first VRED series, DGDesign’s Senior Designer Mike Turner walks through how he created a “retro wave” aesthetic to show off a performance-ready DeLorean model. (Mike’s already talked us through getting into VRED for bespoke automotive design, importing data from Alias, working with backplates and other rendering approaches.) Mike starts…

  • VRED 2022.3 release

    The 2022.3 release of VRED is now available for download to all subscribers.  This point release focused on: Data handling with improvements to Decore Improvements in the touch sensors for VR hands Rendering directly from a VR scene, as well as improvements in isolation mode Control over viewable content in the streaming app You can…

  • Behind the scenes with Mike Turner series 01, episode 04: Backplates and other render approaches

    In episode three of his VRED series, DGDesign’s Senior Designer Mike Turner talked about creating backplates that really make your car design pop. Mike picks up on the backplate conversation in episode four, sharing some other render approaches he’s exploring on his own. Like the “spot-lit” effect that you can create using VRED’s sky light…

  • Creation of the ETRAXX – Part 3

    This is Part 3 of our podcast with Florian Coenen, Technical Marketing Manager. In Part 1 of our podcast, we introduced you to the ETRAXX. We talked through the process behind the design, what design elements inspired it, initial sketching and moving those sketches into a CAD environment. In Part 2, we went deeper into…

  • “The tools to create the cars of the future”: Autodesk in Raconteur

    ” ‘We’re a group of passionate people with decades of experience in automotive design…. We’re in position to provide best-in-class tools for the automotive design studio and our customers in that space to get the latest and greatest designs on the market.’ ” Thomas Heermann, VP Automotive, Conceptual Design and XR Raconteur spoke to our…

  • Behind the scenes with Mike Turner series 01, episode 03: Getting started with backplates

    In the third episode of his VRED series, DGDesign’s Senior Designer Mike Turner talks backplates: flexible, clean auto artworks to make your car design pop. This “straightforward” technique opens the door to all kinds of exploration. And once your backplate is in place, you can pan around the car with just the standard lighting environment. You’ll…

  • Autodesk University 2021: Automotive on demand

    Over the course of two weeks, more than 100,000 attendees representing 175 countries attended sessions in seven languages. If you joined us, we hope you had a fantastic experience. And if you didn’t, we hope you’ll consider it for next year. We know the value of time these days, so we wanted to share with…

  • Behind the scenes with Mike Turner series 01, episode 02: Moving data from Alias to VRED (data import for newbies)

    In the second episode of his VRED series, DGDesign’s Senior Designer Mike Turner walks you through the basics of data import and file set-up. Drawing on his own usage of VRED throughout the model development process, Mike highlights when – and why – to apply addition effort in optimizing the scene as the concept data…

  • VRED performance and scalability with Silverdraft

    by Amy Gile – Co-Founder and CEO, Silverdraft Real-Time rendering is not a valid pain point! It has been solved for years, it has just become a workaround, and once that workaround has been removed, it is amazing what can be created, saving time and money. When I founded Silverdraft, my goal was to free…

  • Alias and Create VR 2022.2 releases

    The 2022.2 release of Alias is now available for download to all subscribers. In this point release, we introduced several new enhancements to Alias. These improvements include: A new Dynamo Toolbox and scripts History Visualizer improvements Enhancements to Locators Reference manager updates SubD workflow enhancements and Several other modeling tool updates You can see details…

  • VRED 2022.2 release

    VRED 2022.2 is now available for all VRED subscribers. We have added several new features in the areas of Rendering, Data Handling, and Streaming that help you improve the efficiency of your visualization process. Rendering: Together with AI-Based supersampling from Nvidia, we have also introduced the ability to use the camera height as the ground…