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BIM 360 Release Notes

BIM 360 Field Management Update – May 9, 2018

Shirin Arnold
May 10, 2018


The May 9, 2018 BIM 360 Field Management update delivers new functionality to support checklist management as well as enhancements to Issue Management, including:

  • Classic Field Checklist Template Import Enhancements, now supporting the following additional fields:
    • Checklist Template – Section Description
    • Checklist Template – Item Description
  • Checklist Management Enhancements
    • Workflow based changes to edit-ability of checklists

Classic Field Checklist Template Import Enhancements

To assist with the transition from BIM 360 Classic Field to Field Management, we are continuing to enhance the capabilities around importing your Checklist Templates from Classic Field to Field Management. In this release we added the ability to import the descriptions which were defined in Classic Field as supplemental information to the Checklist Template Sections and Items.

The following is a list of data we import from your Classic Field Checklist Template into Field Management:

  • Checklist Template Name
  • Section Description
  • Item Name
  • Item Description
  • Response Types Supported:
    • Yes/No/NA
    • True/False/NA
    • +/-/NA
    • Pass/Fail/NA
    • Text
    • Checkboxes
    • Multiple Choice
    • Numerical

Checklist Management Enhancements – Workflow Based Changes to Edit-ability of Checklists

The ability to edit a Checklist’s header information such as title and scheduled date is now driven by the status of the checklist itself. This is also the case for changes such as the Checklist assignee as well as the individual section assignees. Once a checklist is complete, we no longer allow the header as well as assignee to be edited unless you decide to re-open the checklist. This change allows us to capture the exact information at the time the checklist was run and completed.

MktoForms2.loadForm(“//”, “572-JSV-775”, 2332);

#mktoForm_2332 > div:nth-child(3) > div.mktoFieldDescriptor.mktoFormCol > div.mktoFieldWrap.mktoRequiredField > div.mktoGutter.mktoHasWidth{
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{width: 100%!important;}
#mktoForm_2332 > div:nth-child(2) > div.mktoFieldDescriptor.mktoFormCol > div.mktoOffset,#mktoForm_2332 > div:nth-child(3) > div.mktoFieldDescriptor.mktoFormCol > div.mktoFieldWrap.mktoRequiredField > div.mktoGutter.mktoHasWidth, #mktoForm_2332 > div:nth-child(2) > div.mktoFieldDescriptor.mktoFormCol > div.mktoFieldWrap.mktoRequiredField > div.mktoGutter.mktoHasWidth{
display: none;
width: 75%!important;
width: 84px!important;
#mktoForm_2332 > div:nth-child(2) > div.mktoFieldDescriptor.mktoFormCol{
margin-top: 10px;
width: 100%;

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Shirin Arnold

Shirin leads product management for BIM 360 Field Management. Shirin holds a Master’s Degree in Structural Engineering from Stanford University and has over 16 years of experience in construction management and technology for the AEC industry. Since joining Autodesk, she has focused on delivering the Next Generation solution for BIM 360 Field as well as the BIM 360 Platform.

1 Comment

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  1. AvatarLewisYatesSkanska

    Is there likely to be a way to force a page break on checklist reports soon? It would greatly enhance readability of the reports and surely would be fairly simple to implement?
