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BIM 360 Release Notes

Adding Meeting Minutes to the BIM 360 Project Management Module!

Anat Binyamin
January 28, 2020

With the release of Meetings, a new tab, and toolset in the BIM 360 Project Management module, BIM 360 makes meeting management effortless with clear visibility into the commitments made and a centralized history of all meeting records.

With only a few clicks, meeting organizers can create an agenda for an upcoming meeting and add meeting invitees. Within the Meetings tab, the agenda is automatically accessible to the invitees. Once the meeting kicks off, the organizer(s) can track attendance, document decisions, and assign individuals to action items to establish clear accountability. Follow-up meetings can be generated and will automatically carry over unresolved items. All meeting records are centralized and organized in BIM 360, keeping an accurate historical record for audit purposes and providing meeting invitees with access to the information they need.

Nuts & Bolts 

  • If you’re a BIM 360 Project Management user, you automatically have access to the new meeting minutes toolset.
  • Anyone who has access to the Project Management module has access to the Meetings tab and can create an agenda. When you create an agenda, you automatically become the meeting Organizer. As an Organizer, you have full control.
  • For a detailed overview of the new meeting minute toolset, refer to pages 9-12 in the BIM 360 Project Management Workflow Guide.

Meeting Minutes

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Anat Binyamin


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  1. AvatarChad-Smith

    I’m typically excited when new features roll out, but not this one. This one needed to be under the Docs license, not Build.
    By putting it under Build, you’ve now missed out on allowing architects, engineers, and BIM managers to take meetings minutes through the design and pre-construction stages.

    1. Anat BinyaminAnat Binyamin (Post author)

      Hi Chad-Smith, we appreciate your feedback, and we will discuss it internally to evaluate if there’s a way for us to extend this to Designers and Engineers that did not purchase the Build subscription.

    2. AvatarChad-Smith

      Thanks Anat. I would like to point out that almost 2 years ago I made similar comments regarding the other Project Management tools, of which there has been no change since. Looks like I even brought up the misplacement of Meetings back then too.
      The existence of the Project Management module overall is an anomaly. All those tools need to be reallocated elsewhere.

  2. AvatarJakeBT

    This function fits perfect with the project manager’s role and can be used in the pre-construction as well as the construction phases. I think it is placed accordingly.

    1. AvatarChad-Smith

      While I appreciate it may fit perfectly for project managers, the feature doesn’t fit at all for other roles that also need to record meetings.
      BIM 360 is not just for construction, with many other roles that are a precursor to the arrival of project managers on a project.


    Hi thanks for this, seems useful for meeting minute tracking. I’ve got 2 questions for you – where is the project management workflow guide mentioned in the post? Is there any future plans for Outlook tie in? or notification emails sent to Outlook when an invitee is added to a meeting?
